Geno & Kathie Jette
Rally Registration Coordinators
Goodie Sales
(904) 276-7488
Serving: FL1-F2, FL1-K, FL1-X & FL1-Y
Welcome to the DISTRICT TEAM PAGE!
The volunteers shown here are YOUR District Team. We are here to help you and your Chapters by providing information, guidance, ideas and encouragement whenever anything is needed.
Each Assistant District Director is assigned Chapters and they are your resource for anything in the District! Feel free to contact your Assistant District Director or the appropriate District Team member whenever you need something from us.
None of us have all the answers but together we can have all the FUN that we possibly can. Speaking of FUN don’t forget to check out the EVENTS page and attend a FUN event with us soon!
John Cain
Assistant District Safety / Ride Coordinator / Safety Presentations
Doug & Donna Goethel
Assistant District Directors
Recruitment & Retention
(772) 919-1212
Harry & Lynn Anderson
Assistant District Directors
Rally Hospitality Coordinators
(321) 952-1448
Serving: FL1-H, & FL2-D
Bill & Cynde Nipple
Assistant District Directors
& Vendor Coordinators
(850) 324-3787